Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Of killer whales and right-wing prophecy

YOU KNEW IT would happen. The American Family Assn., one of the nation's biggest right-wing Christian groups, has concluded that the death of a whale trainer at SeaWorld was a matter of biblical vengeance. Why did the killer whale Tilikum attack the victim, Dawn Brancheau? I won't go through the AFA's dark narrative other then to say it believed the trainer's fate was clearly sealed in Exodus. Something about sinful neglect. As Think Progress points out, the AFA is the bell-cow for the "War on Christmas" campaign against retailers who don't honor the day with appropriate respect. But if you think the AFA is way off the main political track, it includes among its supporters Republican Reps. Michele Bachmann and Steve king as well as Sens. Jim DeMint and Sam Brownback.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bachmann, King, DeMint and Brownback are supporters? That's just more evidence how off the track it is.